Chapter 18 references: Become a public educator
Chapter references
General references, educational resources, and opportunities for involvement
- AAAS annual meeting
- A Beginner's Glossary of Coding and Programming Terms, Knowledge Hub (Thanks to Ethan for the link!)
- A Beginner's Guide to Ruby on Rails (Thanks to Lucas and Olivia Martindale for the link!)
- A Guide for Women Interested in a Programming Career, Debbie Bride, (Thanks to Brittany Pomponio for the link!)
- Adopt-a-Physicist
- Associate Degrees: Is it Worth it? Types, Jobs, and Tips for Students, StudyCorgi
- Association for Women in Science
- Astronomy for Kids: A Comprehensive Guide to Explore the Wonders of Outer Space from Home, Modern Paint
- Best Internet Tools for Distance Learning, Broadband Search
- Biointeractive, Howard Hughes Medical Institute resources for science education
- Car and Vehicle STEM experiments visual guides for experiments explaining car functions
- Center for Informal Learning and Schools
- Chittenden, David, Graham Farmelo, and Bruce V. Lewenstein, Bruce, eds. Creating Connections, Museums and the Public Understanding of Current Research, AltaMira Press, 2004
- 27 Best Coding Online Bootcamps, Guru 99
- Coding Bootcamps and Certificates, Are Coding Bootcamps Worth It?, Best Online Coding Bootcamps, BestColleges
- College Guide for Students with Disabilities and Their Parents, IvyPanda blog (Thanks to Yvonne McQuarrie for the link!)
- Davis, Andrea, Science Experiments for All Around Your Home, HomeAdvisor
- Earthwatch Institute
- Emotional Intelligence for Students: Tips & Resources, by Ivypanda
- Explaining Newton's Laws of Motion by Examining a Car Accident (Thanks to Keri Evans for the link!)
- Exploratorium educator resource page
- Falk, John H.; and Dierking, Lynn D., The Museum Experience, Whalesback Books, 1992
- Girl Develop IT
- Girls Who Code
- HHMI education programs
- Home Energy Conservation for Kids resource collection, Home Advisor
- HP, Computer Science Fun for Kids (Thanks to Emilia Garcia for the link!)
- Kids' Coding Activities Guide, (Thanks to Hailey Dawn Stratton for the link!)
- Kids' Computer Basics: Keyboarding, (Thanks to Hailey Dawn Stratton for the link!)
- Kid's Online Learning Tools for Science, Technology and Beyond!, Best Kid Stuff (Thanks to Hannah Nelson for the link!)
- Labster virtual labs
- League of Women Coders
- Learn about Food Sustainability, Grillio (Thanks to Kaleigh Doherty for the link!)
- NIH National Institute for General Medical Sciences Science Education Resources
- NIH Office of Science Education, NIH Curriculum Supplements
- National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Science Education web site
- National Science Board, Science and Engineering Indicators 2018
- National Science Foundation, “Chapter III-NSF Proposal Processing and Review,” January 2013
- NSF Directorate for Education and Human Resources
- National Science Teachers Association
- Neuroscience for Kids
- comprehensive listing of free online courses and discussion group
- Online Learning: Resources for Science Classes (Thanks to Ava Williams for the link!)
- Open Education Database Free Online Science Classes
- Periodic Videos: interactive periodic table with a video lesson about each element
- PhET, online simulations in physics, chemistry,math, biology, and earth science
- Physics of Bumper Cars (Thanks to Liam Barnes for the link!)
- Praxent, An Overview of Popular Programming Languages (Thanks to Andrea Gomez and her Brownie Scouts for the link!)
- Project Exploration youth research programs
- Salk Institute education outreach
-, Kinetic and Potential Energy Guide
- Science Cafés
- Science and Entertainment Exchange of the National Academy of Sciences
- Science Experiments Around the Home (Thanks to Jeremy Morgan for the link!)
- Sigma Xi chapter model programs
- Space Games for Kids (Thanks to Zane Robertson for the link!)
- Space: The Best Games and Resources, Wordfinder (Thanks to Jess Dubois for the link!)
- Supercourse a global repository of lectures on public health and prevention
- Software Programming and Coding Glossary for Kids, SmartAdvocate blog (Thanks to Hannah Nelson for the link!)
- Start Lifelong Learning Now! Tips for Students & Inspiring Examples, (Thanks to Julia Reed for the link!)
- TeacherTube an online community for sharing educational videos
- The Metaverse & VR in Education — the Comprehensive Guide, StudyCorgi
- The Science Behind Glass
- The Science Behind Glow in the Dark Toys and Materials (Thanks to Sam for the link!)
- The Top15 Educational TV Shows for Kids of All Ages, CableCompare
- TryScience gateway to science and technology centers, including opportunities for researcher involvement
- Understanding Science, resource for teachers from the Coalition on the Public Understanding of Science
- What You Need to Know About the World Around You booklet series of the National Academies
- Women in Science and Engineering, Nationwide Lifts
- Women in Science: Forging New Pathways in Green Science, Science Magazine and L'Oreal Foundation, 2011
- Women in Science: Forging New Pathways in Biology, Science Magazine and L'Oreal Foundation, 2011